Plagiarism Detector
All Required Files and Tests
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Are all required files submitted? |
The submission includes complete notebook files as
Are all unit tests passed? |
All the unit tests in project have passed. |
Notebook 2: DataFrame Pre-Processing
Criteria | Meet Specification |
For each data point, is a class label added and the
The function
Is a
There is no code requirement here, just make sure you run all required cells to create a
Notebook 2: Features Created
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Have you implemented a function to calculate containment? |
The function
Did you answer the question about containment feature calculation? |
Provide an answer to the question about containment feature calculation. |
Have you implemented a function to calculate the longest common subsequence of words between two texts? |
The function
Have you created a DataFrame that holds at least 6 similarity features for all the text data? |
Define an n-gram range to calculate multiple containment features. Run the code to calculate one LCS feature, and create a DataFrame that holds all of these feature calculations. |
Notebook 2: Train and Test Files Created
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Have you implemented the code to create train/test features and labels? |
Complete the function
Have you selected a few "good" features to include in the train/test data? |
Select a few features to use in your final training and test data. |
Did you answer the question about selecting features? |
Provide an answer that describes why you chose your final features. |
Have you made train/test csv files? |
Implement the
Notebook 3: Data Upload
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Have you uploaded your training data to S3? |
Upload the
Notebook 3: Training a Custom Model
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Have you completed a training script? |
Complete at least
of the
Have you defined a custom estimator? |
Define a custom sklearn OR PyTorch estimator by passing in the required arguments. |
Have you trained your model? |
Fit your estimator (from the previous rubric item) to the training data you stored in S3. |
Notebook 3: Deploying and Evaluating a Model
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Have you deployed the trained model? |
Deploy the model and create a
Is the test accuracy of your model greater than 90%? |
Pass test data to your deployed
Did you answer the two questions about model metrics and design considerations? |
Provide an answer to the two model-related questions. |
Notebook 3: Cleaning up Resources
Criteria | Meet Specification |
Did you delete your model endpoint? |
Run the code to clean up your final model resources. |